Travel Angels Redux

A few years ago, I wrote another piece about travel angels. What are they?

When I travel, especially abroad, I am touched by the kindness of others. I call them my travel angels. We had many in our week in Myanmar. In Hong Kong, on the way from the airport to our hotel we had three.

  • The gorgeous, elegant flight attendant who rode the elevator at the Metro station with us and helped us get to our next train.
  • On the Metro, the older man who asked us where we were going. I pointed to the North Point stop on the map. When Jana and I got to chatting and didn’t notice the stops, the elder gentleman told us when we’d reached North Point.
  • At the exit of the station we tried to determine which way to get to our hotel. A middle-aged gent overheard us and offered to show us the right exit door, then rode the elevator and walked us out. Jana introduced us and we learned our new pal was named Rick. After a few blocks, Rick left us to go into a shop, but we meandered and soon we ran into Rick and he walked with us until we were a block from our hotel.

Now when I encounter a traveler in need in my home town, I make a special effort to help since I’ve received so much help from travel angels in my journeys. Can you be an angel, too?