Who is Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC?

Rebecca works with organizations that know the secret to their current and future success is developing key talent long-term — not in a one- or two-shot quick fix training. Long-term behavior change only happens with long-term intervention.

She works with key talent, fast trackers, high potentials, and emerging leaders — executives, managers, salespeople, customer service reps, and individual contributors — of some of the best organizations. She knows what works — what enables high achievers to go even further. She is the architect for focused, tailored solutions designed to meet the organization’s particular needs.

As one of America’s most respected and sought-after workplace effectiveness experts, professional development consultants, performance strategists, facilitators and presenters, Rebecca brings her experience as a savvy businesswoman and bestselling author to work on your challenges. She’s been featured on Oprah, 60 Minutes, USA Today and National Public Radio, among many, many other radio, TV, newspaper and magazine segments.

6 thoughts on “Who is Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC?”

  1. Growing your key talent is an absolute passion of mine and is still in its infancy in Australia. It is critical that talent management is featured at Boardroom tables as we strive to develop our bench strength to meet current and future organisational capabilities. Talent reviews should be linked to inputs from the appraisal system as well as actions put in place and not ignored. A talent management process is only as good as the actions taken as a result of it.

    I look forward to reading your blog.



  2. Hi Rebecca:
    I am looking for key messages for discussions with key talent during a change and for scripts for these discusions.
    Do you have any sample articles or documents in this area?
    I just bought your book and it is good, but doesn’t have this specific info.
    Thanks so much,

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