Please Join Us!

Join us for a free sample of the Managers Discussion Guide Program. This month’s module is:
“Listening to Better Understand Your Customers”

Thurs., June 14
2:00-2:30 pm Eastern
1:00-1:30 pm Central
12:00-12:30 pm Mountain
11:00-11:30 am Pacific

— OR —

Fri., June 22
1:00-1:30 pm Eastern
12:00-12:30 pm Central
11:00-11:30 am Mountain
10:00-10:30 am Pacific

— OR —

Thurs., June 28
4:00-4:30 pm Eastern
3:00-3:30 pm Central
2:00-2:30 pm Mountain
1:00-1:30 pm Pacific
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