Mr. Gui, whose name I learned when he introduced himself upon my entering his taxi, was an unusual cab driver. I have ridden in many cabs around the world and I can say that he was among the top 5 I’ve ever encountered.
He arrived at 6:30 am to take me from the Shangri-La Bangkok Hotel and drive me to the main airport. It was still dark as he and the bellman carefully loaded my 3 bags into his pristine trunk. The bellman — also a standout — handed me a new bottle of water for my journey. I can’t remember that happening before, and I’d taken other cabs from this hotel during my 4-day stay.
Mr. Gui confirmed what the bellman had told him — I was going to the new main Bangkok airport, Suvarnabhumi, for an international flight. Not to the old Don Mueang Airport. I knew tourists were often confused. I told him yes, Suvarnabhumi for me.
He explained that he could understand much more English than he could speak, so don’t worry, he understands me.
As we entered the elevated freeway, I gasped and pointed to the gigantic orange orb of the rising sun, just breeching the horizon. I started to position my camera for a good spot. I took a few but was frustrated by buildings and trucks in the way. He said, “Wait, I know perfect spot.” Sure enough, as we approached a rise in the freeway he alerted me that this was the shot. And it was.
Upon arrival at BKK, he hopped out of the cab and fetched me a cart — not a common practice for cabbies in this part of the world. He then carefully unloaded my bags from the trunk and arranged them on the cart. He had me check the trunk to ensure nothing had fallen out.
I then noticed how sharp his uniform was — clean and freshly pressed. I commented on how impressed I was with his neat uniform. He smiled.
Then he checked the back of the cab to see if I’d left anything. He came upon the unopened water bottle and gave it to me. “For you” I said as I gave it back to him with his fare plus a healthy tip. Now he beamed as I trotted off with my trolly and he waived as he got back in his cab.
I love encountering people who do the little things that show pride in their work. Because it’s the little things that make them stand out since so few people do them.
What can you do today that may seem like a little thing, but shows your customers you care?