Learn to be SuperCompetent Starting Today!

My friend Laura Stack’s latest, extraordinary book was released in bookstores recently. After 18 years studying the art and science of personal productivity, Laura reveals the six behaviors high-achieving professionals demonstrate over their lower-performing peers in her new book, SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best (John Wiley & Sons).

In SuperCompetent, Laura covers the six keys to peak performance:

  1. Activity: the value and importance you place on your work
  2. Availability: your ability to master your schedule
  3. Attention: the capacity to focus intently and concentrate on tasks
  4. Accessibility: the ability to organize the inputs and outputs in your life
  5. Accountability: the extent to which you take personal responsibility for your actions and outcomes
  6. Attitude: your motivation, drive, and proactiveness

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