Do you make it count?

I’ve kept the 1-page article for 25 years, nearly to the day. It was an interview with Steve (then called Steven) Jobs that included a quote  I wanted to use in my talks. I never did. But it resonates now:

“We get to create only a few things in this life. We really have such a short time here; some of us just want to make it count.”

He was born 2 months before me and we grew up 10 miles apart. I never met him, although I saw him once at the MacWorld Expo on the show floor. I couldn’t couldn’t come up with anything more than “Thank you for the insanely great products you create.” How lame. So I didn’t approach him. Now I regret I didn’t.

Now the world thanks him. He lived his philosophy every day that I read in the Sept. 21, 1986 article. He made his brief stay on earth count. Big time.